Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

Take time today to thank all veterans. Active duty, reserve, and even national guard. Thank the people who lace up their boots and get them sandy so you can go out to eat at your favorite restaurant and not worry about being blown up. Thank the people who leave their families behind to step up and protect their country with their skills and their lives. Thank the people who have already given their lives in protection our our ideals of freedom and democracy. And finally, thank the family members of veterans. They didn't enlist in armed forces, but they volunteer to stay with their service member. Through lonely nights, long deployments, early wake ups, births without their husbands, dealing with kids that scream for their parent that is overseas, family members do it all with a strong heart and love for their service member. So in end, I want to thank my family and my wife, Laura, for supporting me.

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